Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Project 5: Flag

I chose this peachy color because it is one of my favorite shades of pink, which is one of my favorite colors. I chose the dark grey because I used to hate black and white when I was little. I have slowly come to like both of those colors, and since both of them mixed together makes grey, I thought I would use that on my flag. I used a light-ish blue because it's similar to the color of my eyes and I've always worn blue dresses to any formal event I've ever gone to. I used a minty color because I'm Irish and for my love of the Muppets. Finally, I picked the red because I always joke that when you wear red, you exude an "I'm the boss" kind of presence.

In the middle of the flag is an abstracted hams hand. I chose to use this symbol because it is a universal sign of good luck. The pointed rectangles on the right side of the flag are abstracted pencils, because I love to draw.

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